Curriculum Overview
2017 WFTDA Officiating Clinic Curriculum
Our 2017 Officiating Clinics will include the following lessons and activities.
All Attendees
Learn how to read and understand The Rules of Flat Track Roller Derby in the new Rules and Casebook format. Understand how to determine if an action is legal, illegal, has impact, and if a call should be made or not. Discussion on ceding cuts, impact, and initiation.
What does discretion mean? How does it change with the new rules? Discussion on using good judgement, how to navigate making a decision in unclear rules situations, and defaulting to a no call. Walk through examples of action and the mechanics of making a call.
Learn how points are earned, when trips begin and end, how NOTT points are scored, and how opposing Jammer Lap Points are earned. Discuss effective communication techniques between Officials. Learn the dot system for scorekeeping and how Scorekeepers can help their Jammer Referee.
Observation and Feedback
Discuss ways to observe other Officials from working a position to observing from outside the game, as well as things to look for. Things to consider, questions to ask, and how and when to provide feedback.
Head Officiating/Staffing
How to staff games and tournaments and the differences in staffing them. What do you look for on a game history document? How do you get information on actual performance to create a larger picture of the Official? Get guidance on how to manage position placements, avoid pigeon-hole staffing and how to staff to ensure an effective overall crew. For tournaments, learn to staff for different types of tournaments (“learnament”, best of the best, hybrid).
Non-Skating Officials
Walk through numerous Penalty Box scenarios including all types of Jammer swaps, potential penalties in the box, and what to do in unusual situations.
Learn how to combine the PT and LT positions for games, what information is required, what other information is useful, and the priorities of the combined position.
Sanctioning Paperwork
Review what StatsBook information is required for WFTDA-sanctioned games and what information the WFTDA Sports Information Committee requires to create a complete stats package for Playoffs. If you are a Playoff-level league or not, an understanding of how to create a complete stats package will be useful to your league!
Skating Officials
Zone Coverage/Positioning
Discuss where you should be positioned on the track for your role, what duties your role needs to cover and where your focus should be placed during games. Learn how to break your position into primary and secondary priorities and when to defer to another Official who is in a better position.
Skating drills
(2-day clinics only) Practical exercises to achieve proper positioning based on what is covered in the Zone Coverage/Positioning lesson.