WFTDA Rankings
WFTDA’s competitive system and rankings algorithm supports a system of competitive play that scaffolds regional play up through global play. Leagues may enter more than one team into the competitive structure, and skaters may skate for a maximum of two charter teams at any given time.
The WFTDA has divided its global membership into six regions:
- Europe (EUR)
- Latin America (LATAM)
- North America Northeast (NAE)
- North America South (NAS)
- North America West (NAW)
- Oceania (OC)
Teams are assigned to regions at the start of each season, but may also request region changes. A team may only play for regional rankings in one region, with the exception of the Geographically Unrestricted Region (GUR). Each region has a Regional Championship that takes place between April and June of even years (starting in 2024), and a designated number of seats from each region will be seeded into Global Championships.These seats will be decided by a Competitive Play committee, and will be based on the relative strength of each region.
The GUR is an optional way to recognize, support, and rank teams without regard to their geographic location, and does not lead to the Global Championship tournament.
In order to be eligible for Regional Championships each season, a team will have to play at least 5 sanctioned games against teams that are reasonably “close” to them. This includes “seeding” games for the unseeded team. Close games are determined by checking the game result and the teams’ prior ranks.
The rankings system is based on an assumption of faithful and honest gameplay, in which both teams are trying to get the best result possible, and the only intentional determinator of rank is the strength of the teams. Deliberate attempts to alter rankings directly in a way that does not reflect the true strength of the teams is considered deceptive and could be a violation of the WFTDA Code of Conduct.
Rankings will be published around the first of the month year-round. The Live Rankings beta has been continued and a new Rankings Game Points forecasting tool is available.
Alongside the new rankings algorithm, we’ve updated stats.wftda.com to give leagues and fans a place to:
- View live and published Regional Rankings,
- View GUR tables,
- See all upcoming sanctioned games and tournaments throughout the world,
- See the impact of game results on rankings, instantly,
- See historical records of all sanctioned games since the very first sanctioned game in 2005,
- In depth, sharable team stats,
- Predict regional and GUR games easily using the new predictor tool.
Complete information for WFTDA Member Leagues, including policies, instructions, and forms, can be found on the WFTDA Resources website.
Any feedback can be sent to games@wftda.com.
The Rankings and Stats website is located at stats.wftda.com.