Here are some ways you can purchase WFTDA-branded or -licensed merchandise and uniforms.
Beanies, T-shirts, and More
The WFTDA is a 501c3 non-profit organization, which is why we’re proud to partner with Bonfire, the platform that supports non-profits and their fundraising goals. You can support global roller derby by purchasing items from our Bonfire campaigns! All proceeds go directly towards our operations and programs.
Check out our current campaigns, including beanies, t-shirts, totes, and more!
WFTDA Member Patches and Certified Official Patches
WFTDA-Certified Officials and WFTDA Member Leagues may display the WFTDA logo or Certified Official logo on their uniforms as either a patch or sublimation offered by any of our partners listed on this page. [Patch FAQ]
This licensing program is open to any manufacturer, and we hope to partner with companies across the globe to make a variety of WFTDA products more accessible to our community. Please contact sponsorship@wftda.com for more information on becoming a partner.
Please visit one of our licensing partners for ordering information.