DC Rollergirls
Washington, DC, United States of America

Formed in 2006, the DC Rollergirls are the National Capital Region’s only women’s flat-track roller derby league. In DC, our rollergirls possess a healthy appetite for physical competition and pride in their community. We aim to bring the best roller derby action to our spectators. In 2007, after a year of preparation, the first public bout was held at the Dulles SportsPlex. During four subsequent seasons at the D.C. Armory, events have included an ad campaign for Beyer Subaru, and participation in the National Cherry Blossom Parade, the 4th of July Parade, Clarendon Mardi Gras Parade, H Street Festival, and other neighborhood festivals. DC Rollergirls is a non-profit league run entirely by the skaters and volunteers, who contribute their free time and talents to manage the business side of the league. Our league’s vision is to promote athleticism, diversity, and roller derby while fostering self-worth, personal strength and female empowerment.