Green Mountain Roller Derby
Essex Junction, VT, United States of America
The Green Mountain Roller Derby (GMRD), Vermont’s first Roller Derby League. Established in November 2007, GMRD is part of the modern roller derby resurgence. The league was accepted into the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association’s (WFTDA) in 2010.
GMRD is entirely skater-owned and -operated, which means our members work just as hard off the track to keep the league running. Our mission is not only to bring women’s roller derby to the people of Vermont, but to make a positive impact in our community!
Venue: Champlain Valley Exposition, 105 Pearl Street, Essex Junction, Vermont
Green Mountain Roller Derby’s Mission Statement:
The mission of the Green Mountain Roller Derby is to empower women personally and athletically through the sport of roller derby. As a skater-owned and operated organization, it is our intention to hold ourselves to the highest standards of respect and sportswoman-ship on and off the track, uphold the rules and values of the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association, and to be a positive force in our community.