Rock n Roller Queens
Bogotá, D.C., Colombia
Rock and Roller Queens was founded in december 8 in 2009, we were 10 girls; nowadays, we are 48 girls, safety is a priority for us and we got all the proper safety gear. Members’ age range from 14 to 38 years old, underage girls have the permission of their parents to practice this sport.
The team is self-financed through an economic toll; this allows us to pay a trainer’s wage, training materials and other elements needed for the sport.
In our city there is a government institution that provides all the new sports with playing spaces and support to our activities, now we are part of this institution (IDRD, Instituto Distrital de Recreación y Deporte) to get the sport the place it deserves.
We want to be part of a region to compete with the best teams in this area, and to be part of the WFTDA Championship tournament.
We follow WFTDA rules/guidelines during gameplay and practices (including: wearing proper protective gear, WFTDA minimum skills requirement) and skate on a WFTDA regulation sized track during practice, we have League membership policy and/or attendance policy, and League committees and/or structure of league directors.
In Colombia, Roller Derby teams have been founded in the cities of Medellín, Ibague, Palmira, Cali, Pereira, Bucaramanga, Armenia, Manizales and Bogotá.