West Sound Roller Derby
Bremerton, WA, United States of America

West Sound Roller Derby began with one goal: to create an environment where women could be trained in body and mind to play roller derby. Beginning in January 2012, our league hit the ground running with skaters who had the passion and experience to make this league successful from day one. Our league has many facets we focus on intently but the main ones are equality, sportsmanship and democracy. We believe that no matter how long you have skated, that every skater has a voice in their league and that every skater has equal ownership in this league.
West Sound Roller Derby is a league that loves to have fun on and off the track. However, our league is our business, we take running it very seriously. We are passionate about our training and the development of smart play. We are dedicated to playing derby at a competitive level. The success of this league is all due to our members’ integrity, attention to detail and drive. We love organization, we love hard work and we are dedicated to always learning and bettering ourselves. We are committed to nurturing our new recruits and invest our time and positive attitudes into the training of our skaters. We strive to create and maintain an intentionally positive culture within our membership. We pride ourselves on behaving respectfully towards one another and to others outside of our League.
As of January 2015, our league is a registered non-profit corporation with the State of Washington and a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization with the Internal Revenue Service.
Formerly known as Northwest Derby Company.