WFTDA Creates Announcing Development Committee, Now Seeking Members
In an effort to support the development of roller derby announcing, the WFTDA is creating the Announcing Development Committee (ADC), with the goal to develop and share experience, guidance, advice, information, and best practices for announcers and leagues.
Since 2020, there has been a real growth in the amount of roller derby that is broadcast every weekend. With the WFTDA Regional and Global Championship tournaments in 2024, there is an opportunity to kick-start development, support, education, and resources to increase and improve roller derby announcers across the world. The ADC plans to work with announcers and with the Roller Derby Announcers Association to develop and create educational resources which can be shared across organisations and announcers.
The ADC is currently seeking 8-10 announcers to join our committee and work with the announcing community to develop the ADC and design a work plan to address the needs identified, as well as provide advice and guidance to host leagues for the 2024 Regional and Global Championships. We’re looking for announcers of all experience levels, league sizes, locations, and languages.
Please see the Announcing Development Committee page of our roller derby resources website for more details on the committee and how to apply. The deadline for applications is May 10.
If you have any questions please contact announcers@wftda.com.