Statement in Support of Metropolitan Roller Derby
Dear Roller Derby Community,
The following is a statement from our WFTDA member organization, Santiago, Chile’s Metropolitan Roller Derby. Recent global events remind us that it is important to support meaningful and inclusive free speech in the sports industry, especially as it applies to our skaters, officials, staff, and leagues. The WFTDA is a democratic organization, and elements of democracy are what we champion through our mission. When injustices occur, we want to call attention to the people and places that matter, so that the world is aware of what goes on beyond our borders and within the community.
Roller derby matters to all of us on a local level. Because of that, the WFTDA and its members can relate to people around the world and empathize with how passionately they feel about their roller derby teams and leagues. So, when one of us is speaking up against abuses of power, we ask that our community listens, and take a moment to put ourselves in their skates.
As a sport that spans borders and ideologies, community push-back and protest is part of who we are, and it sparks efforts to build a stronger democracy. We urge you to read Metropolitan’s statement, follow their stories on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/metropolitanrollerderby), and continue to work on and defend the democratic principles that we’re privileged to have at the core of our sport.
– Huevo, WFTDA Membership Officer
– WFTDA Board of Directors
– WFTDA Executive Director
The social and political situation in Chile has become critical in recent days. An unprecedented institutional crisis has been unleashed. The people of Chile have risen to protest the conditions of inequality and access to the rights of their citizens. In response, President Piñera has declared that they are at war, in a state of emergency, ordered the militarization of cities and set curfew prohibiting the free people circulation. The actions that the government have taken resulted in illegal detentions, rape, injuries and deaths. They are reiterating intimidation and violence practices towards civilians incompatible with a society of law and democracy which Chile have. The members of the Roller Derby community in Chile and their families have been victims of government institutional violence.
We want our community to be aware of what is happening. We need you to know that the violation of human rights that is happening in Chile. We reject the violence and harassment that national authorities are rushing over the people.
La situación social y política de Chile se ha vuelto crítica en los últimos días. Se ha desatado una crisis institucional sin precedentes. El pueblo de Chile se ha levantado para protestar sobre las condiciones de desigualdad y acceso a derechos de sus ciudadanos. En respuesta, el presidente Piñera ha declarado que se encuentran en guerra, estableció un estado de excepción, dispuso la militarización de las ciudades y estableció un toque de queda que prohíbe la libre circulación de las personas. Las acciones que tomó el gobierno se han traducido en detenciones ilegales, violaciones, heridos y muertos. Están reiterando prácticas de amedrentamiento y violencia hacia la población civil incompatibles con una sociedad de derecho. Les integrantes de la comunidad de Roller Derby de Chile y sus familiares han sido víctimas de la violencia institucional del gobierno.
Queremos que nuestra comunidad tome conciencia de lo que está sucediendo, que se sepa la violación a los derechos humanos que están sucediendo en Chile. Rechazamos la violencia y vejámenes que las autoridades nacionales están acometiendo sobre el pueblo.
– Written in collaboration with Huevo, WFTDA Membership Officer, and Endorfina, Metropolitan Roller Derby