WFTDA Apprentice Program Accepts 6 Leagues
Today, the WFTDA has extended Apprentice membership to an additional 6 leagues.
Today, the WFTDA has extended Apprentice membership to an additional six leagues. The WFTDA Apprentice Program is designed to serve as a stepping stone to full WFTDA membership, to ensure that leagues are well-prepared for the transition to a WFTDA Member League.
The newest Apprentice members continue the association’s international growth, with leagues in Denmark, France, Mexico, Peru, and the U.S.
Congratulations to:
- Aalborg Roller Derby – 9000 Aalborg, Denmark
- Bradentucky Bombers Roller Derby League – Bradenton, Florida, U.S.
- The Cannibal Marmots – Grenoble, France
- Flint Roller Derby – Flint, Michigan, U.S.
- Mexico City Roller Derby – Mexico City, Mexico
- Toxic Lima Roller Derby – Lima, Peru