WFTDA Continental Cups
The Continental Cups program provides a regional postseason tournament-play opportunity for member leagues that are ranked below the rankings cutoff for the WFTDA International Playoffs. Each region’s Cup will be hosted and run by a league in that region, and is set up with the format that best fits the rankings needs of the region.
2019 WFTDA Continental Cups Information
North America West
August 9-11, 2019
Orem, Utah, USA
Hosted by Happy Valley Derby Darlins
Tournament Results
Watch Archives on wftda.tv
North America East
August 23–25, 2019
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
Hosted by Dutchland Derby Rollers
Tournament Results
Watch Archives on wftda.tv
Download the Sports Information Book
October 5-6, 2019
Helsinki, Finland
Hosted by Kallio Rolling Rainbow
Tournament Results
Watch Archives on wftda.tv
North-America West
Download: US Letter PDF | A5 PDF | A4 PDF
North-America East
Download: US Letter PDF | A5 PDF | A4 PDF
Download: US Letter PDF | A5 PDF | A4 PDF
How WFTDA Continental Cups Work
Each year, the WFTDA Competitive Play Committee will determine the number and structure of the Continental Cup tournaments based on the competitive needs of regions globally. This system is scalable and allows for regions to be split or combined, and for events to be added in future years. These events are operated by WFTDA-member league hosts using the WFTDA’s competitive brackets and per WFTDA requirements, with the ability to tailor the event to suit the needs of the region and host.
Teams in the WFTDA are assigned a region, which may be adjusted periodically based on the growth of the WFTDA membership. Currently the regions are North America-East, North America-West, Europe (including the UK and Ireland), Central/South America, Asia Pacific (with the exception of Western Australia), and Africa. Regions without a Cup are assigned to the closest region: Asia Pacific to the North America – West Cup, South America to the North America – East Cup, and Western Australia and Africa to the European Cup.
After the Playoffs are seeded and confirmed, the next highest ranked teams will be placed in their assigned region’s Continental Cup until those brackets are filled. Twelve teams each will be assigned to the North America Cups and eight teams to the European Cup.
Continental Cups Region Assignment List
2018 WFTDA Continental Cups Information
In 2018, WFTDA teams were seeded into two North American Cups and a European Cup.