2017 Roller Derby World Summit

Keynote Speakers and Public Tickets Released!
Hosted by Rainy City Roller Derby in Manchester, U.K., the WFTDA is proud to introduce the Roller Derby World Summit. Over three days, April 21-23, 2017, the WFTDA will curate sessions focused on business resources for leagues, organize panels discussing important topics, and provide networking opportunities for those involved in roller derby. The Roller Derby World Summit (RDWS) will also feature keynote speakers and experts who will share their knowledge, expertise and leadership skills with attendees. This annual event will be the pinnacle of roller derby business information and leadership tools for anyone in the roller derby world.
“We’re incredibly proud to welcome the world of roller derby to our beautiful rainy city for the first annual WFTDA Roller Derby World Summit,” says Biertrix, Rainy City League President.
“For the next year, Manchester is at the very heart of roller derby’s global growth, with the Roller Derby World Cup coming to us too in Feb. 2018. As roller derby grows as a global sport, it’s such a privilege for Manchester and the U.K. to be at the center of this, and our whole league is busy beavering away at making this destination one to remember. Can’t wait to see you all!”
This public, international event will be hosted each year in different locations around the globe.
For the initial year, the WFTDA is focusing on member engagement and networking at this event, and as such, all general track registration will be released free to WFTDA Member Leagues with each league receiving 2 general track admissions to the event. Registration information will be sent out to all WFTDA Member Leagues through their member reps. Members will want to register early as there is limited space!
In addition to our general track, the WFTDA is proud to include additional tracks at the RDWS:
- WFTDA Officiating Clinic
- The very first Announcer Clinic
The Officiating Clinic will have 70 paid tickets at $120.00 USD and the Announcer Clinic will have 70 paid tickets at $100.00 USD. These tracks will have access to the networking and social events that the RDWS will provide. More information on purchasing tickets and curriculum for both of these clinics will be released in the coming weeks.
RDWS does not replace the WFTDA Annual Meeting, which will be held as a series of online sessions the weekend of May 20, 2017 so that all member leagues can attend live remotely.
“After 10 years of hosting The WFTDA Annual Meeting in person with membership, we realized that there was a very logical divide to the priorities for these events — splitting resources and networking into the new Roller Derby World Summit, and the engagement and advocacy into a more accessible format for members around the world with the online Annual Meeting,” says the Operations, Finance, and HR Manager for the WFTDA, Lesley Wachsmann, who is spearheading these two initiatives.
She adds, “With an online platform that is free for viewers around the world, the WFTDA will better enable its member leagues to engage in WFTDA business and discussions without the barrier of travel costs and scheduling.”
Attend the Roller Derby World Summit, April 21-23 in Manchester, U.K. – Speak to your WFTDA Reps for all the information on how to register your league now, and bookmark WFTDA.com/RDWS for all updates!