WFTDA Opens Applications for the 2020 WFTDA-Recognized Tournaments Program
The Women’s Flat Track Derby Association has opened applications for the 2020 WFTDA-Recognized Tournaments Program, a program that recognizes and supports high-quality WFTDA-member hosted tournaments worldwide. These tournaments must be run by WFTDA-member host leagues, include 50% WFTDA-sanctioned or Strength Factor Challenge (SFC) games and take place in the WFTDA Competitive Season between February 1 and June 30, 2020. Special consideration for the percentage of sanctioned games may be given to tournaments in regions considered to be geographically remote.
The 2020 requirements have been adjusted to continue to promote tournament best practices and to provide increased online training for host-league leadership.
New 2020 requirements include:
- A new WFTDA-Recognized Tournament Officiating Support Guidelines document that provides recommendations for scheduling and supporting officials at a WFTDA-Recognized event
- Tournament Head Officials must complete WFTDA online training on risk management, rules and tournament oversight and provide a system of feedback for participating officials. A THO mentoring program will be introduced in 2020 to help support new THOs.
- There must be enough Games Tournament Oversight officers (GTOs) to be present trackside at every WFTDA-sanctioned or SFC game.
- The tournament Risk Coordinator is required to complete an online training course prior to tournament start.
- The tournament must be run under the WFTDA Organizational Code of Conduct and the WFTDA Tournament Code of Conduct, and the host must select an individual to act in the role of Inclusion and Standards Manager, with online training provided.
There are two deadlines for tournaments to apply for WFTDA-Recognized status. Applications received by October 31, 2019 will be selected and announced at the 2019 International WFTDA Championships November 13-15, 2019. Applications received by the final deadline December 31, 2019 will be announced by January 2020.
See complete program information and the 2020 WFTDA-Recognized Tournament application.