Tournament Central 2019
Contract Photography
Thank you for your interest in photography contracts with the WFTDA. in 2019 we are looking to build a pool of photographers interested in contracts issued by the WFTDA.
Required for the Application:
- Full name and nick name or preferred name
- Email address
- History of shooting roller derby
- Sample link to work
- Letter of recommendation from a WFTDA-Member league
Please click here to apply and complete our google form application.
The photographers in this pool will be the first group the WFTDA approaches when we have contract positions open, such as shooting Playoffs and Championships on behalf of the WFTDA or shooting hand signals or other educational resources. This pool will give the member photographers a direct conduit to the WFTDA and as part of the participation in the pool, we may ask pool members to consult on policies and processes as they are updated or built. We hope to instil how important photographers are to our community.
Requested of CPP members:
- Apply to contracts offered where possible
- Provide feedback on photography policies and systems as they are developed
- Possibly attend one or two group meetings
- Agree to and foster the WFTDA Values and Mission
- Foster and promote the sport of flat track roller derby through their artistic expression
- Provide a positive and supportive environment for fellow photographers and volunteers
- Train and support the next generation
- Joining the pool does not put any restrictions on any other events the photographer may shoot.
- Photographers may be removed from the CPP at any time at the discretion of the WFTDA or should they choose to leave.
WFTDA will provide members:
- A voice in determining what is required to best shoot the sport
- Email and basecamp will be used to host CPP members.
- A direct conduit to the volunteers and staff organizing photography in the WFTDA
- Contracts and policies related to photography for review
- A positive and supportive environment for photographers and volunteers
- Information and deadlines for contract applications in a reasonable time
Please click here to apply and complete our google form application.